KidsPark Parent Advisory Committee (KPAC) is a board of member parents that oversees the cooperative aspects of KidsPark. The KPAC positions are:

Executive Director – Reports to the Board of Directors to ensure decisions are in alignment with the KidsPark founding mission. Responsible for developing the annual budget and hiring teaching staff. The Executive Director works with KPAC members to develop the fundraising plan and cooperative involvement.

Fundraising Coordinator – Responsible for developing the annual fundraising plan with the Executive Director and running the fundraising plan for KidsPark. This could include writing grant proposals, planning fundraising events, and overseeing the fundraising volunteers.

Cooperative Coordinator – Responsible for tracking cooperative needs and member fulfillment of requirements. This includes working with Teachers and other KPAC members to identify and communicate both in-classroom needs – classroom aides, snacks and supplied – and outside of classroom needs.

Community Building Coordinator – Responsible for maintaining and increasing member family involvement in the KidsPark community. This includes overseeing social events at KidsPark and coordinating the community building volunteers.

Communication Coordinator – Responsible for informing the membership of the goings on at KidsPark. This includes overseeing the newsletter and web site updates, and the minutes of KPAC meetings.

Facilities Coordinator – Responsible for coordinating the cleanings, repair work, and other needs of the physical plant of KidsPark.

Technology Coordinator – Responsible for maintaining the current computers and web sites used at KidsPark, and determining the direction and plan for future technology endeavors.